
Jay Peak Beginners

Jay Peak’s green trails offer a springboard for beginners to improve skills and progress to ski more of the mountain’s legendary terrain.

While green-rated trails only comprise 20% of Jay’s mountain terrain, the lower mountain does give beginners an opportunity to spread their wings and grow their skills. Jay even offers a lower-mountain only lift ticket at a significant discount for those who know their skills aren’t quite ready to tackle Jay’s steeper upper-mountain runs.

On Stateside, runs off of the Taxi Quad will give beginners a few options. The nearby Village Double lift also offers a beginner area that is fairly cut-off from the rest of the resort, so beginners won’t have to contend with the fear of expert skiers whizzing by them at uncomfortable speeds. On Tramside, the Metro Quad offers a few beginner runs, as well as access to the Terrain Park, so be sure to choose your run before wandering into an area that puts you out of your comfort zone.

One interesting pod of green terrain is found near the Tramside base for beginners and intermediates are three blue-rated runs named Quarter Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon. These three runs are rated intermediate, however they offer a three-step introduction for beginners and intermediates to tree skiing. The runs get progressively more difficult from Quarter to Full, but each lasts a short time and can be exhilarating for those not used to skiing through the trees. It is quite fitting to find such an area at Jay Peak, as the resort is known for its top-notch tree skiing.

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